Marie Laugié
Technopole Arbois
13545 Aix en Provence
Centre Scientifique & Technique Jean Feger
64000 Pau
I’m currently a post-doctoral researcher working with Yannick Donnadieu in the CEREGE Deep Time Climate Modeling Group, in collaboration with the Geoscience Thematics Team of TotalEnergies. My research aims at understanding past climatic & oceanographic parameters that controlled the deposition of marine sediments including organic-rich sediments & neritic carbonate platforms. I use Earth System Modeling to simulate environmental conditions such as oceanic temperature & oxygen, marine productivity or nutrient concentrations. I compare modeling results with geological observations in explored areas to constrain processes, and to predict deposition patterns in unexplored areas.
Sep 24, 2021 | 🌎🌦🌊 Opportunities for 2021-2022 Master projects in Paleoclimate modeling here ! |